Natalie’s Substack
So... that got me thinking!
The Instructions for Life!

The Instructions for Life!

The 100th Episode of the So...That Got Me Thinking Podcast!

Im really proud to say that this is the 100th episode of the So… that got me thinking podcast!

In this podcast we are talking about the manual for life, but also what is truely the main ingredient for an amazing life!

This episode was inspired by a Ted Talk from Alua Arthur. The link is below - I would encourage anyone to watch it who wants a complete shift in their perspective about what matters!

Thank you so much for listening and subscribing to my Sub Stack! Let me know what you think!

Love Always

Nat x

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Natalie’s Substack
So... that got me thinking!
A podcast exploring what it is to be a women. Sharing a combination of stories, experiences, guest speakers, life coaching and quotes. Covering topics that affect us all - anxiety, wellbeing, expectations, trying to thrive whilst being more connected to those around us.